Rosary Altar Society Maintain and decorate the Altar and Church; Hold fundraisers and activities. Meeting times vary. Contact: Donna O'Hara (313) 561-3306 Knights of Columbus Meets the Second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Even months are located at St. Mary-Hannah and odd months are located at St. Patrick's. Contact: Richard Karsncik (313) 819-2469 Pastoral Council MAKE DECISIONS AND LOOK AFTER THE Pastoral WELL BEING OF THE PARISH AND SCHOOL. MEETING TIMES VARY. Contact: Parish office (231) 263-5640 Financial Council Make decisions and look after the financial well being of the parish and school. Meeting times vary. Contact: Doug Yanska (231) 276-5061 Cemetery Association Maintain and look after the well being of St. Mary-Hannah Cemetery. Contact: Ellen McManus (989) 948-8866 [email protected] Funeral Luncheon Committee Prepare, organize and serve funeral luncheons. Contact: Liza Weber (231) 357-0105 Faith formation Meet every other Sunday after the 9:00 Mass. Contact: Donna O'Hara (313) 561-3306 [email protected] Home and School Make decisions to help fund school activities. Contact: President Suzique Couture (231) 645-4937 For more information about any of these groups please call the Parish office at 231-263-5640